We’ve all heard the phrase “It takes a village to raise a child.” At Briarwood Day Camp, we believe in that idea completely. We are committed to demonstrating good values and providing positive role models at camp so our campers can see what it means to be a good person and so they can see the possibilities open to them.
Good camps have positive cultures that benefit their campers, particularly over time. Briarwood has the benefit of having 65%-75% of its staff return each year. Also, importantly, 45%-55% of our staff members were Briarwood campers themselves when they were younger.
Briarwood campers watch our staff be gracious, kind and respectful to each other, to ALL campers and to parents and other visitors. It rubs off. Positive role modeling sinks in, from our youngest campers to our oldest.
Briarwood campers also get to interact with our former-campers-who-are-now-staff – who look just like them and in some ways WERE just like them – and see that they can be whatever they want to be, be it doctors or lawyers or teachers or entrepreneurs or therapists or school counselors or anything else.
We can’t promise you what your son or daughter will be. But we can promise you that we will try to expose him or her to positivity and that the benefits of camp will be long lasting.
Want to learn more about Briarwood, our philosophy or anything else about summer camp? Call us at (215) 598-7143. We love to talk about how camp is great for kids!