Check out our latest Briarwood Bugle! You can read it below or see it in glorious color and with photos here.
The Briarwood Bugle
Week 4
July 10 through July 14, 2017
From Mike and Matt
Can you believe that camp is half way done? We sure can’t! We had another amazing week—lower and upper camp bunk shows, Halloween in July (great costumes!), intercamp sports, CIT and Super CIT trips and much, much more. We’ve got more amazingness next week– Waterpalooza, Bring-A-Friend, new clubs, CIT trip to the beach, Goofy Day and then after that, Busy Bee Show, Carnival, Color War, the list goes on and on….
Can’t wait! See ya soon!
Waterpalooza is Monday, July 17th
Please turn in forms by Monday July 17th
Forms are available in the Current Families section of our website’s homepage. Call the office if you have any questions.
Tuesday July 18th Lower Camp
Wednesday July 19th Upper Camp
Briarwood Overnighter
August 4-6, 2017
It’s Shark Week at Briarwood Day Camp!! By Richard Greenberg
These Sharks are friendly and can be seen all about camp with smiles on their faces and laughing at all of our activities. The boys love to create projects at arts and crafts and ceramics. Mason can be seen scoring many goals when we play hockey. Noah shows us his skills when we play soccer. Just like a real shark, Jacob feels right at home in the pool. Stone and Hudson climb to new heights at the ropes course as they zip down the zip line. Oliver likes to play Gaga and he has the knuckles to prove it. Watch out Happy Gilmore, Henry is working on his putting and one day may be on the pro-circuit. Liem loves playing so many games at camp, that two of his favorite places to be at are new games and game room. Mason has caught more than a fair share of fish to feed the whole bunk. The Phillies could get much needed help the second half of the season as Logan is a homerun hitter at wiffleball. We have also been working on many of our sports skills and have learned new sports thanks to the athletic staff. One of the bunks favorite activities is the “jumper” they just cannot get enough time to jump around. We are helped by our two CITs: Aiden Stepansky and Max Walinsky. Our Junior Counselor, Mike Nasevich who will be a junior at Council Rock South this fall, is a valuable asset to the bunk in only his first year at Briarwood. So, keep a lookout for these “land” Sharks around camp, but don’t be afraid and instead stop by and say hello.
MONDAY (7/17)-Pajama Day TUESDAY (7/18)-Sports Day
WEDNESDAY (7/19)-Disney Day THURSDAY (7/20)-Tie Dye Day
FRIDAY (7/21) Crazy Hair Day / Goofy Day
Senior Staff: Sydney Sorkin
Junior Staff: Sorelle Sax
Notes from the Lifeguard Chair
Our campers continue on their journey to learn how to be safe in and around the water. Most importantly, they are learning how to swim well! As the children progress through the levels and develop these skills, they become safer and better swimmers. Please remember that children develop swimming skills at different rates. Please encourage your children to enjoy swim lessons!
Meet Our Wonderfully Amazing Staff Part IV
JULIE SCHIEKEN joins the Briarwood family as a senior counselor to the Penguins bunk. Julie has four campers at Briarwood! During the off season, Julie is a home care physical therapist. Julie has been on safari in Africa and has held both a tarantula and a scorpion! Neither of which you would find here at Briarwood!
ALEXA COHEN is celebrating her 13th summer at Briarwood and her first as a Senior Counselor! Alexa can be found with her awesome upper camp girls bunk…the Owls! During the off season, Alexa and her twin sister, Sydney, are students at West Chester University. Alexa is studying to become a teacher.
PAUL RICHMAN started at Briarwood as a CIT in 1999. This summer Paul is senior counselor to the really super…Super CITs. Paul is a 3rd grade teacher in the Philadelphia School District. Paul is a graduate of Shippensburg University and holds a Master’s Degree from Holy Family. If Paul could go anywhere in the world he would choose Antigua.
Important Week 5 Dates
Monday, July 17th-Waterpalooza
Super CITs leave for Williamsburg
Tuesday, July 18th-Bring a Friend Lower Camp
Wednesday, July 19th-Bring a Friend Upper Camp
Mini-campout Flamingos, Orioles, Tigers, Bears, Barracudas, Otters, Sharks
Thursday, July 20th-Makeup Picture Day
Friday, July 21st-CIT Beach Trip