Check out our latest Briarwood Bugle! You can read it below or to see it in amazing technicolor with photos here!
The Briarwood Bugle
From Matt and Mike
Time flies when you’re having fun! We had another great week—the Busy Bees put on an UNBELIEVABLE show, the CITs loved New York City, Carnival was awesome (you should have seen the Homemade Arcade games our campers made!), the Super CITs enjoyed the Trenton Thunder Game, Lower Camp and Upper Camp did their thing (actually — they did a TON of their things) and now all the camp has left is Color War (Go Gold Wonderland! Go Blue Neverland!), Briarwood’s 32nd Birthday Celebration, Busy Bee Graduation, the Drama Show, the Gym Show, the Campwide Epic But Totally Optional Wiffle Ball Tournament, Tie Dye Tuesday, Mystery Day, the CIT/Super CIT Dance and on and on . . . Until next week! – M&M
Tuesday, August 1-Mystery Day
Wednesday, August 2-Drama and Gymnastics Mini Campout
Friday, August 4-Color War Songfest at 10:30am
August 4-6-Briarwood Overnighter
Monday, August 7-Briarwood’s 32nd Birthday
Briarwood Marathon
Tuesday, August 8-Tie DYE Tuesday
Drama Show at 10:30 am
Gymnastics Show at 10:30 am
Thursday, August 9-Super CIT and CIT Dance
Friday, August 11-Last day of camp (early dismissal at 2:30pm)
The Cheetah Spot
The 3rd grade Cheetahs have been having the BEST SUMMER EVER!!!! From the archery range, to the sports field, to the Lower Pool, people can always catch us joking and playing all over camp! We have stars in all parts of camp- whether it’s Emme and Mackenzie scoring goals on the soccer field, Caelyn doing an awesome job for her team in dodgeball, Kayla showing off her diving catches in wiffleball, Charlie and Caroline dominating in Gaga, or Naomi being an all-star player in basketball, it’s safe to say the Cheetahs are a super talented group of gals! Speaking of talent, Chloe always shows the best dance moves at Drama, while Bayla does loops around the fountain in Briarlake at boating. Just across Briarlake, Olivia is our nature fanatic! She especially loves playing with the bunnies, Batman and Robin. Ava is definitely the artist of the group, and we always love looking at her amazing gimp creations! Last, but certainly not least, the Cheetahs beat the heat in the best ways- especially Maddi eagerly learning new strokes at instructional swim, or Rylie as she flies down the zoom-floom! Also, we miss Sophia so much and can’t wait to see her next week! We’ve had an awesome summer so far, but we’re not done yet! These crazy, fun-loving girls are still making us laugh every single day, and we can’t wait to see what the rest of the summer has in store!
Emily McLaughlin- SC, Jessie Gottlieb- JC, Sophia Katz- CIT
Our Neverland Captains: Justin Abrams, Devyn Sax, Bari Jacobson
Our Wonderland Captains: Dylan Weisman, Ashley Levy, Mara Bloom
This week Briarwood held its first ever 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament. Sixteen teams represented different colleges competed for a shot at the title. When it was all over, Michigan beat Tennessee and took the championship. Team members were Matt, Aiden and crowd favorite Hugh. Hail to the victors (that’s a Michigan joke) and congratulations to all that participated. With two weeks left, Briarwood is not done with its big, inclusive sporting events. In addition to Color War next week, Week 8 brings the Wiffle Ball Tournament, the Briarwood Marathon, the Doubles Tennis Tournament and lots more!
Can you believe it? We have even more senior staff members that have not been profiled in the Briarwood Bugle.
EMILY MELTZER is celebrating her 12th summer at Briarwood Day Camp. This summer Emily can be found all throughout camp as a Super Utility Professional. During the off season Emily is a student at West Virginia University. People would be surprised to learn that Emily will only drink room temperature water!
TRACI ALBUCK has made Briarwood her summer home for 16 seasons! Traci is mom to two awesome daughters, Junior Counselor Lexi and Super CIT Ryan. Traci is a Math teacher at Central High School in Philadelphia. Traci’s favorite thing about Briarwood is all of her awesome friends. If she were an animal she would be a giraffe…and finally be tall!
MAX DURETZ has been a part of the Briarwood family for 16 summers. Max can be found helping out all over camp as a Super Utility Professional. Max’s favorite things about Briarwood are the people and the activities. Max worked at Disney World last year. Find him for some Disney insider secrets.
You asked for it, you got it! Registration for 2018 is live!
Go to the ENROLL NOW tab on our website to lock in our early pricing!
Of course, please always feel free to give us a call if you’d like to talk…….
• If you want to reach your camper’s counselor during the camp day, call the office at 215-598-7143 and we will gladly relay your message. Please do not TEXT or CALL your child’s counselor directly during the camp day. Our counselors are busy watching children and we have asked them not to check their phones during the day.
• Don’t forget about our Open Visitation Policy—Camp families are welcome to visit any camp day through the end of week 7 between 10:00 am and 2:30 pm.
• Early and Late Care is available from 7:30 am—6:00 pm sharp. Please call the office if you will need this service.
• While it never rains at Briarwood, in the event of a passing shower, please send your camper with the appropriate rain gear should the forecast call for rain.
• Everyone should apply sunscreen daily prior to coming to camp.
• We have a lost and found at camp. It gets pretty full this time of year. Campers’ items should be marked or labeled before they come to camp.
• Did you miss a Bugle? You can find past Bugles on the front page of our website.