Check out our latest Briarwood Bugle! You can read it in our mobile-friendly format below or see it in IMAX 4D here!*
*Not actually IMAX 4D but it does have color, photos and supercool** graphics.
**Graphics not actually supercool. But they’re good. And we run a camp, not a graphics studio.
The Briarwood Bugle
Week 7
From Matt and Mike
It was yet another amazing week! (Can you believe it? Actually, we can.)
Color War ended spectacularly, as always. We have such tremendous campers and staff. Congratulations to the Gold Team!
We wanted to highlight something about our Color War events because it is at the core of our philosophy. Our activities are designed so that every camper is involved and gets to shine. Through a wide variety of events, different campers kick, swim, dance, run, throw, sing, climb, run, carry, pour water (it’s a long story) and—most importantly—cheer for each other and have fun all over camp. It’s wonderful, affirming stuff. And what a great display of friendship, togetherness and family we had after today’s Songfest! We’ve got so many awesome things planned for next week (see below for just a taste). Can’t wait!
Monday, August 7-Briarwood’s 32nd Birthday
Briarwood Marathon
Tuesday, August 8-Tie DYE Tuesday
Drama Show at 10:30 am
Gymnastics Show at 10:30 am
Thursday, August 9-Super CIT and CIT Dance
Friday, August 11-Last day of camp (early dismissal at 2:30pm)
Color War 2017
And the Color War Winner is…
Our Neverland Captains: Justin Abrams, Devyn Sax, Bari Jacobson
Our Wonderland Captains: Dylan Weisman, Ashley Levy, Mara Bloom
The Robins have been flying all across camp and we have been rocking at all of our activities! Madalyn has shown us her strength on the Newcomb court along with Izzy R. Ellie hits home runs at wiffle ball every week! Chloe and Briana are rock stars when it comes to dancing, they love to shake it! Rosalia can be found making beautiful sculptures at ceramics! Julia and Izzy L. show off their athletic skills on the fields in sports such as soccer and kickball! Mia is always making beautiful projects in arts and crafts! Emmi shines at drama with her acting and creativity! Summer can be found hitting the target at archery! We have had the best summer and we still have so much to do! Lily Goldberg SC, Lexi Albuck JC
This week we feature more of our amazing NEW staff.
DAN MURRAY can be found rocking his first Briarwood summer at the rock wall/ropes. Dan has two awesome Briarwood campers, Ben and Charlie. During the off season, Ben is a 6th grade teacher in the Bensalem School District. Dan has been to over 200 concerts!
JERI NEWMAN joins the Briarwood family as the Busy Bee Cooking and Science Specialist. Jeri is mom to two adorable Briarwood campers, Dani and Taylor. When not baking up a storm, Jeri is a 1st grade teacher in the School District of Philadelphia. If she were an animal, Jeri would be a bird so she could fly anywhere.
LOGAN SCHURER is having an awesome first summer at Briarwood as a Super Utility Professional. Logan loves all of the super nice people she has met this summer. During the off season Logan is a student at Boston University. People would be surprised to know that Logan has lived in 5 different states!
MARLA LEVY joins the Briarwood family as a specialist in ceramics. Marla is mom to 4! 3 are Briarwood campers and her son, Eric, is a Junior Counselor. Marla teaches ceramics to adults and children at Earth Center Pottery. She is currently building a giant 15 foot totem pole at Tyler State Park made completely out of clay!
You asked for it, you got it! Registration for 2018 is live!
Go to the ENROLL NOW tab on our website to lock in our early pricing!
Of course, please always feel free to give us a call if you’d like to talk…….
• If you want to reach your camper’s counselor during the camp day, call the office at 215-598-7143 and we will gladly relay your message. Please do not TEXT or CALL your child’s counselor directly during the camp day. Our counselors are busy watching children and we have asked them not to check their phones during the day.
• Don’t forget about our Open Visitation Policy—Camp families are welcome to visit any camp day through the end of week 7 between 10:00 am and 2:30 pm.
• Early and Late Care is available from 7:30 am—6:00 pm sharp. Please call the office if you will need this service.
• While it never rains at Briarwood, in the event of a passing shower, please send your camper with the appropriate rain gear should the forecast call for rain.
• Everyone should apply sunscreen daily prior to coming to camp.
• We have a lost and found at camp. It gets pretty full this time of year. Campers’ items should be marked or labeled before they come to camp.
• Did you miss a Bugle? You can find past Bugles on the front page of our website.