Check out our latest Briarwood Bugle! You can read it below or see it in glorious color and with photos here.
Briarwood Bugle 2018
Week 2
From Mike and Matt
“We the People, in order to write a more perfect Bugle . . .”
We had another great (and steamy!) week this week, with art and sports and swimming and leagues and gaga and Olympics and bunk show practice and trips (Dave & Busters! Dorney Park!)and on and on. It is a gift for us to be able to see the smiles and hear the splashing and laughter every day.
We’ve got lots more on tap for next week. In addition to our regular spectacularness, the second year CITs go overnight to Hershey, the Super CITs go to the beach, we’ve got a new round of clubs, mini campouts begin, Lower Camp spirit week, Upper Camp intercamp sports and much much more! Join us! And if we can editorialize for a moment, we are very lucky to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Have a great weekend!
Notes from the Lifeguard Chair by Rob Resnick, Briarwood Pool Director
Greetings from the pool staff! Camp is off to a great start and our campers are improving rapidly. Water safety is a major part of what we do at Briarwood and our lifeguards here have more than 80 years experience lifeguarding here (yes, seriously). We get a lot of questions about deep water testing for kids as well as some other items so we thought we’d write a quick note here.
Lower pool deep water testing requires treading water for one minute, front crawl 15 yards, back crawl 15 yards, jump in and swim under water 15 yards.
At the upper pool, due to the depth of the water, the upper pool deep water test is for level 3 and up.
No snorkel goggles at free swim.
We know that some campers complain about instructional swim. Parents, please encourage your camper to keep trying. It’s an important life skill and we’ve been teaching it well for years!
• you want to reach your camper’s counselor during the camp day, call the office at 215-598-7143 and we will gladly relay your message. Please do not TEXT or CALL your child’s counselor directly during the camp day. Our counselors are busy watching children and we have asked them not to check their phones during the day.
• Don’t forget about our Open Visitation Policy—Camp families are welcome to visit any camp day through the end of week 7 between 10:00 am and 2:30 pm.
• Early and Late Care is available from 7:30 am—6:00 pm sharp. Please call the office if you will need this service.
• While it never rains at Briarwood, in the event of a passing shower, please send your camper with the appropriate rain gear should the forecast call for rain.
• Apply sunscreen daily prior to coming to camp.
• Did you miss a Bugle? You can find all of this summer’s Bugles on the front page of our website.
Welcome to Busy Bee Science and Nature By Jeri Newman
I want to welcome all the Busy Bee families to Cooking and Science/Nature! The Bees will be cooking and baking a variety of snacks this summer! As they are busy creating these treats, they will be practicing their measuring and counting skills, turn taking, and how to safely help out during cooking with an adult! Our first summer treat was Jell-O ice pops! Ask your child how we measured the water and mixed all the ingredients! The Busy Bees LOVE Science and Nature. During this time we will be using hands-on activities and children’s read-alouds to explore science and nature topics! This week we read a book about butterflies and their life cycle. We then painted wings and assembled adorable butterflies! Look out for them in your child’s bag!
MONDAY (7/9)-Sports Day TUESDAY (7/10)-Pajama Day
WEDNESDAY (7/11)-Disney Day THURSDAY (7/12)-School Spirit FRIDAY (7/13)-Tie Dye Day
FRIDAY (7/21) Crazy Hair Day / Goofy Day
Briarwood has a new nurse! Esther Goldenberg isn’t a grandmother and she isn’t eating early bird specials! She’s vivacious and spunky and comes to us from New York City by way of Nashville, Tennessee. There she works as a neurosurgical nurse. She loves the T.V. show The Goldbergs and she loves her soft serve ice cream with rainbow sprinkles (we’ve told her that we call them jimmies in Philadelphia). Esther is married to her husband, Bernie and they have a teacup yorkie. If she were an animal she would be a lion because she is a fierce feline. She loves how friendly everyone is at Briarwood. Esther loves all campers but hopes to only see everyone for happy hellos and no bad boo-boo’s.
Hello, my name is Jesse Marks, and I am the Senior Counselor for the 4th grade bunk, the Bulldogs. This will be my 11th summer at Briarwood, including 9 years as a camper and 1 as a JC, and I am so happy to be back! Stu Berman is our awesome Junior Counselor. He keeps our campers laughing, smiling and always rarin’ for more fun activities. The two of us, along with our always helpful Super CIT Jackson Gottlieb and CIT’s Evan Glickman and Ryan Hollcombe are beyond excited to have this group of boys this summer! The 2018 Bulldogs bunk consists of 19 fun, eager, and excited boys who make every day at camp an awesome adventure. The Bulldogs enjoy swimming, boating, mini-golf, football, soccer, archery, nature and recently, team handball. The Bulldogs dominate in everything they do! Hole in one at mini-golf, out of the park homeruns at wiffle ball, bullseye at archery and enormous fish caught at nature just to name a few. These boys don’t miss a moment to shine and show what they got, and even embraced a new fun game, team handball, that most of them had not played before! These boys show the sense of excitement and enthusiasm that epitomizes what it’s like to be a Briarwood camper. Each day they go home tired, dirty, happy, and healthy, but always look forward to what the next day brings.
Mike Attryde joins the Briarwood staff as a senior counselor at sports. Mike is a graduate of Temple University and will start law school during the off season. Mike’s favorite TV show is “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.” (Please note it is also Always Sunny at Briarwood). People would be surprised to know that Mike is a dual Bristish and American citizen.
Bonnie Globerman is a first year Busy Bee Counselor. Bonnie can be found leading the Teddybears all over camp. Bonnie is a graduate of University of Maryland. She has two campers at Briarwood. People would be surprised to know that Bonnie was once on a reality TV show.
Danielle Lean is a first year senior counselor of the Ladybugs. Danielle began making Briarwood her summer home 16 years ago as a Busy Bee. During the off season Danielle is a student at University of Rhode Island. Danielle’s favorite foods are watermelon and guacamole.
Danielle Share is enjoying her first summer as part of the Briarwood office staff. Danielle is mom to three Briarwood campers. During the offseason Danielle works at a preschool in Newtown. People would be surprised to know that Danielle can speak Italian!