Check out our latest Briarwood Bugle! You can read it below or see it in spectacular color and with photos here.
Briarwood Bugle 2018
Week 3
From Matt and Mike
Hot fun in the summertime . . .
We had another great week! Camp barreled along and the kids had a great time swimming, playing, painting, tie dying, Zoom Flooming and everything else!
And also—Lower Camp loved spirit week, the 2nd year CITs went to Hershey Park, we had an awesome mini campout for upper camp, the Busy Bees made great concoctions at cooking and, all around camp, you could see and hear bunks practicing their bunk shows.
We have a ton going on in the next few weeks—Lower Camp bunk shows, Upper Camp bunk shows, Halloween in July, Bring-A-Friend Days—plus all of our awesome, regularly scheduled program—art, sports, swimming, gymnastics, nature, rock wall and much, much more! Join us!
Important Dates Next Week
Tuesday July 17th 10:30am
Wednesday July 18th 10:30am
Friday July 20th!
Dance party to follow!
Lower Camp-Tuesday July 24th
Upper Camp-Wednesday July 25th
Information was sent home this week or
you can go to our website and look under Current Families / Other Camp Forms
The Busy Bee Show is coming! The Busy Bee Show is coming! Tuesday, July 31 at 10:30 am. Briarwood’s cutest!!!
Don’t worry. Tie dying continues next week for bunks that didn’t get there this week due to Briarwood awesomeness.
It’s Shark Week at Briarwood Day Camp!! By Richard Greenberg
These Sharks are friendly and can be seen all about camp with smiles on their faces and laughing at all of our activities. The boys love to create projects at arts and crafts and ceramics. Jake can be seen scoring many goals when we play hockey. Evan and Brandon show us their skills when we play soccer. Just like a real shark, Ethan feels right at home in the pool. Jackson climbs to new heights at the ropes course as he zips down the zip line. Addison likes to play Gaga and he has the knuckles to prove it. Watch out Happy Gilmore, Jon is working on his putting and one day may be on the pro-circuit. Austin has caught more than a fair share of fish to feed the whole bunk. The Phillies could get much needed help the second half of the season as Joshua is a homerun hitter at wiffleball. Have you heard of Rembrandt, Picasso, Renoir? Well they may be nothing compared to Evan, look for his art on display soon. Jonathan loves to paddle about in the Briarwood Lake looking for turtles. We have also been working on many of our sports skills and have learned new sports thanks to the athletic staff. One of the bunks favorite activities is the “jumper” they just cannot get enough time to jump around. We are helped by our two CITs: Alec Kahn and Mike Madden and our Super CIT, CJ Horan. Our Junior Counselor, Jon Sutker, who will be a senior and graduating from high school this year, is a valuable asset to the bunk. So, keep a lookout for these “land” Sharks around camp, but don’t be afraid and, instead, stop by and say hello.
Flying Across Camp with the Robins by Lily Goldberg
The Robins have been flying across camp and we are having an amazing summer! There is not one spot in camp we are not having a blast!! Our summer has been filled with so many laughs. Mia has been working hard on perfecting her swim skills in the pool, while Emme and Kayla have been showing off their diving skills. Mackenzie and Charlie teamed up to dominate the newcomb court; Charlie scores countless points with her powerful serve and Mackenzie saves the day with amazing catches. You can find Ava traveling across the lake at boating. Amelia excels on the tennis court. Jordyn is our star at drama and Joslin has been working on her masterpiece in ceramics. Astin dominates every time she steps in the Gaga court while Rylie flips for gymnastics. Olivia is a slam dunk at basketball while Caroline and Bayla are hitting homeruns in wiffleball! Emily is a master chef at cooking and you can find Chloe and Naomi painting beautiful projects in art. We miss Sophia while she is in Italy! The fun never ends with our JC Jessie Gottlieb, Super CIT Brooke Fischer and CIT Jenna Garber. The Robins can’t wait to see what else the summer has in store for us!
What’s Buzzing with the Bumblebees?? By Ashley Levy
The Bumblebees have been enjoying such a great summer so far and we can’t believe it is already the end of the third week! Our bunk has had lots of fun participating in boating, gaga, arts and crafts, and so much more. Lucky for us, we get to spend time with the other third grade bunk, the Cheetahs, during our nature, sports, soccer, and ropes periods. Our special talent however, is relating everything to unicorns—sometimes we like to use it as our bunk-name. In ceramics we made clay owls and many campers even attached unicorn horns. Every member of our bunk has already passed the deep-water test (which is a huge accomplishment), and we’ve been having so much fun racing each other down the slides. We also got a chance to go down the big red slide in the upper pool which was SO awesome. But, the thing we are most excited for is our bunk show—and we’ve been working extremely hard to get it perfect for Tuesday! As a counselor, my favorite part of the day is when the bunk dances free-style on the drama stage after eating dessert. We always end up laughing (and sometimes even get in some extra bunk show practice!) We’ve had a great first few of weeks, and we can’t wait to fill the rest of the summer with new experiences, memories, and a whole lot of fun.
We return with profiles of more senior staff members at Briarwood Day Camp
BEN SEGAL is a first year senior counselor of the awesome Bears. Ben will begin is sophomore year at University of Delaware after the camp season. Ben has made Briarwood his summer home for 15 seasons! His favorite food is Chef Ed’s fresh from the grill hotdogs. People would be surprised to learn that Ben does NOT like Pizza! We are shocked!
JEN RIVEL joins the staff at Briarwood as senior counselor to those adorable Crickets. During the offseason Jen is a preschool teacher. Jen is mom to two happy Briarwood campers. In addition to Jen’s awesomeness at Briarwood, she has a Master’s degree in Speech and Language Pathology.
MERRI KURMAN is enjoying her first summer at Briarwood. Merri can be found leading the fantastic Flamingos all over camp. Merri comes to Briarwood with over 30 year camping experience! During the off season Merri works for the Bucks County Intermediate Unit.