
Briarwood Bugle 2021-Week 6

Check out our latest Briarwood Bugle! You can read it below or see it in glorious color and with photos here. Briarwood Bugle 2021 Week 6 From Mike and Matt Time flies when you’re having fun! We had another great week—the Busy Bees put on an UNBELIEVABLE show, the 1st year CITs enjoyed mini golf and ice cream, Carnival with amazing elements (Massive Inflatables! Ferris Wheel! Cow Milking Game!) was awesome, the 2nd year CITs loved Hershey Park, Lower Camp and Upper Camp did their thing (actually — they did a TON of their things) and now all the camp has left is Color War (Go Gold Halloween! Go Blue Fourth of July!), Briarwood’s 36th Birthday Celebration, Busy Bee Graduation, the Campwide Epic But Totally Optional Briarwood Set a Record Week #2, Tie Dye Tuesday, Mystery Day, the CIT/Super CIT Dance and on and on . . . Until next week! – M&M SPOTLIGHT ON NEW GAMES By Elizabeth Arteaga We put the “nuevo” in games! We have been having a blast!. The theme has been “go big but don’t go home!” Huge Connect 4 was a HUGE hit. Our Junk in the Trunk relay race rocked! We have played with big beach balls and an inflatable Snakes and Ladders game. On really hot days, drip drip drench has been a Briarwood favorite. We can’t believe 6 weeks have flown by. We can’t wait to jump, play, hula hoop and limbo our way through the rest of summer 2021! COLOR WAR IS ON! BLUE 4th of July VS GOLD Halloween Blue 4th of July Captains: Brenden Cohen, Georgia Gobora, Jen Rivel SUPER CIT Lieutenants Taylor Fischer and Hunter Klein Gold Halloween Captains: Jack Sorkin, Hannah Wind, Maddie Garber SUPER CIT Lieutenants Lexi Fischer and Eli Frankel BRIARWOOD STAFF MEMBERS OF THE WEEK: Senior Staff: SYDNEY ROBERTS Junior Staff: AIDEN STEPANSKY Congratulations! Flipping for Gymnastics by Rebecca Nahom We are having so much fun in gymnastics. The Busy Bees love shaking the bells and dancing to the fan favorite milkshake song. The Busy Bees are also learning how to do so many new skills. We practice forward rolls, jumping, skipping, galloping, walking on the balance beam, front supports on bars, and many others. The older campers have been learning so much this summer too. They work on cartwheels, handstands, kickovers, bridges, squat on to vault, forward circle down on bars, scales, leaps, and learning how to stick their landings. They even learned a creative new way to do jumping jacks! We are currently working on our floor routines that combine a lot of their new skills. All the kids have practiced various exercises using bean bags to help them learn to keep balance. They can balance on one leg, turn in circles, and even sit down without using their hands all while keeping a bean bag balanced on their head! Everyone loves to go through the different obstacle courses and circuits. They are even learning what we call “fancy French words” such as “relevé” and “chasse”. They are pros at showing off their knowledge of the gymnastics positions of tuck, straddle, and pike. Gymnastics is full of fun and challenges, we are so proud of everyone for trying new things! MEET EVEN MORE OF OUR WONDERFULLY AMAZING STAFF! Can you believe it? We have even more senior staff members that have not been profiled in the Briarwood Bugle. DANIELLE LEAN is celebrating her 17th summer at Briarwood. Danielle is a recent graduate of West Chester University. Danielle’s favorite food is hot wings. If she were an animal she would be a dog. If Danielle could travel anywhere, she would go to London. People would be surprised to learn that Danielle enjoys knitting and doing puzzles. GEORGIA GOBORA returns to Briarwood Day Camp for her 7th summer. This summer, Georgia is Senior Counselor of the amazing Flamingos bunk. Georgia, a graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania, also teaches preschool in the off season. Georgia’s favorite tv show is family guy. If she could go anywhere in the world, she would go to the moon! People would be surprised to learn that Georgia was born in London.   Important Dates •August 3th-Mystery Day •August 4th-Wednesday Themeday Wacky Socks Day •August 9th-Briarwood Birthday Celebration •August 10th Tie Dye Tuesday •August 11th-Wednesday Themeday-Disney/Marvel Day •August 11th-CIT/Super CIT Trip to Dorney Park •August 12th-CIT/Super CIT Dance •August 13th-Last Day of camp early dismissal at 2:30 SOME FRIENDLY BRIARWOOD REMINDERS • If you want to reach your camper’s counselor during the camp day, call the office at 215-598-7143 and we will gladly relay your message. Please do not TEXT or CALL your child’s counselor directly during the camp day. Our counselors are busy watching children and we have asked them not to check their phones during the day. • Don’t forget to send your camper in with several masks each day. They have a way of disappearing (or breaking or getting dirty). • Early and Late Care is available from 7:30 am—6:00 pm sharp. Please call the office if you will need this service. • While it never rains at Briarwood, in the event of a passing shower, please send your camper with the appropriate rain gear should the forecast call for rain. • Everyone should apply sunscreen daily prior to coming to camp. • We have a lost and found at camp. It gets pretty full this time of year. Campers’ items should be marked or labeled before they come to camp. • Did you miss a Bugle? You can find all of this summer’s Bugles in the news section of our website.