Check out our latest Briarwood Bugle! You can read it below or see it in glorious color and with photos here.
Briarwood Bugle 2024
Week 6
From Mike and Matt
Time flies when you’re having fun! We had another amazing week—the Busy Bees put on an AMAZING all around America show, the CITs enjoyed the beach, EVERYONE loved Carnival (Massive inflatables! Fun rides! Great games! Face painting!), the Gymnastics Show was awesome, Lower Camp and Upper Camp did their thing (actually — they did a TON of their things) and now all the camp has left is Color War (Go Blue Pixar! Go Gold Marvel!), Briarwood’s 39th Birthday Celebration, Busy Bee Graduation, the Campwide Epic But Totally Optional Wiffleball Tournament, Briarwood Set a Record Week, Tie Dye Tuesday, Mystery Day, the Briarwood Marathon, the CIT/Super CIT Dance and on and on . . . Until next week! – M&M
SOME IMPORTANT DATES (more are below)
• Mystery Day! – Tuesday, August 6
• Briarwood’s Birthday Celebration – Monday, August 12
• Drama Club Presents: Frozen, Jr.! – Tuesday, August 13 at 10:30 am
• All CIT Dance – Wednesday, August 14
Blue Captains:
Alex Goldberg, Danny Simon and Ashley Kelly
Blue Lieutenants:
Emme Morris and Matt “Popcorn” Crane
Blue Dance Captain:
Sophia Levy
Gold Captains:
Matt Green, Sofia Roberts and Mackenzie Wilson
Gold Lieutenants:
Sophia Barone and Owen Metzger
Gold Dance Captain:
Shayna Feldgus
The Lucky Lions by Jason Lang
All of the Lions are having a great time at Briarwood so far this summer. Cole and Eli, the junior counselors, and I are looking forward to the rest of camp with everyone. Drew, Henry, Dylan and Max love spending the days on the jumper. Austin, Lio, Sebastian and Chris are one-touch masters (Ed. note: one-touch is a fun and popular soccer game at Briarwood). Liam and Frank enjoy gaga, while Peter and Hudson love to work on their soccer skills. Marc, Vincent and Ethan like any sport with a ball! We look forward to the remaining weeks with the Lions!!
Senior Staff: Jenna Garber
Junior Staff: Will Toth
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The Outstanding Orioles by Rene Atkinson
The Orioles have been enjoying their summer at Briarwood, especially at ropes. Isobel and Madeleine love ropes so much that they have picked it for club! All the girls passed their swimming test this week! Stirling loved drama this week where they read a silent story. Genny has been doing amazing in swimming and passed her deep-water test! Brooke has been excelling in tennis and Ayla scored her first goal in soccer this week. Charlotte has been enjoying netting in nature and has found a few tadpoles and minnows. Josie loves art and gimp, and she has learned at least two different ways to do different styles of gimp. We can’t wait to see what the last two weeks of camp bring!
• If you want to reach your camper’s counselor during the camp day, call the office at 215-598-7143 and we will gladly relay your message. Please do not TEXT or CALL your child’s counselor directly during the camp day. Our counselors are busy watching children and we have asked them not to check their phones during the day.
• Early and Late Care is available from 7:30 am—6:00 pm sharp. Please call the office if you will need this service.
• While it never rains at Briarwood, in the event of a passing shower, please send your camper with the appropriate rain gear should the forecast call for rain.
• Everyone should apply sunscreen daily prior to coming to camp.
• We have a lost and found at camp. It gets pretty full this time of year. Campers’ items should be marked or labeled before they come to camp.
• Did you miss a Bugle? You can find all of this summer’s Bugles in the news section of our website.
Can you believe it? We present even more senior staff members that have not yet been profiled in the Briarwood Bugle.
EMMA DEVINE is enjoying her first year with us at Briarwood and she is loving how kind everyone is! During the school year, she attends Coastal Carolina University. Emma’s favorite food is a seafood boil, yum! Her favorite TV show to watch is Fleabag and her favorite movie is Memento. Her most recent book that she has read was The Last Mrs. Parrish. If she were an animal, she would be a seal and if she could go anywhere, it would be Greece.
MASON PATRIZIO is a fun, new addition to Briarwood Day Camp! He is extremely excited that he gets to do archery as a job during the summer. During the off season, he attends Muhlenberg and enjoys archery there, too . His favorite food is a cheeseburger and if he were an animal, he would be a bat. If he could go anywhere, he’d travel to Germany. Mason’s favorite movie is Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring. People don’t know that he also loves to sing!
♫ Learn the Briarwood Song! ♫ http://bit.ly/BDCSong We’ll sing it at camp!
Important Dates
•August 6th-Mystery Day
•August 7th-Wednesday Themeday: Blue and Gold Day – wear your colors!
•August 8th-Color War Skits
•August 9th-Color War Songfest – starts at 10:20 sharp
•August 12th-Briarwood Birthday Celebration
•August 13th-Drama Show
•August 14th-Wednesday Themeday-Briarwood Spirit Day
•August 14th-CIT Dance
•August 16th-Last day of camp – early dismissal at 2:30
BRIARWOOD STORE – Visit our online shop to be decked out in the latest and greatest Briarwood gear!