Check out our latest Briarwood Bugle! You can read it below or see it in glorious color and with photos here.
Briarwood Bugle 2024
Week 8
From Mike and Matt
Wow, what a summer! And we made it through – happy, healthy, sweaty and tired! And most definitely rarin’ for more!
Though this fun and crazy last week, Briarwood kept flying along. Kids did their thing all around camp – they played, climbed, created, jumped, swam, zoom floomed, smiled, laughed and generally had a great time. A carefree, outdoor summer like this was what everyone absolutely needed.
We also celebrated Briarwood’s 39th summer this week, we had Briarwood’s Totally Awesome But Completely Optional All Camp Wiffle Ball Tournament, awards ceremonies, Tie Dye Tuesday, we 9 Squared, we ran the Briarwood Marathon and so, so, so much more. Who knew our kids were so talented? (We did, of course.) Today we celebrated the end of camp with bunk parties and lots more fun. And did you see the plaques? Unbelievably amazing!
Can’t wait to do it all and more in 2025!
Dear Briarwood Family,
As we finish Briarwood’s 39th year, we wanted to let everyone know how much we’ve enjoyed this summer, how much we appreciate your support and how much we look forward to many, many more years together.
THANK YOU TO OUR KIDS: You are the reason why we’re here. Your smiles, your joy and your enthusiasm are infectious, heart warming and keep us all young. Your positivity is invigorating.
THANK YOU TO OUR PARENTS: Thank you for trusting us with your children. We strive to provide a great camp experience for all campers and your trust and support have helped us immensely. We know you have other options and we are absolutely thankful that you’ve chosen Briarwood!
THANK YOU TO OUR STAFF: Thank you for your dedication and your unwavering commitment to be the best you can be and to keep kids safe and healthy. You are the backbone of this camp and your love and dedication to camping and to Briarwood’s kids make this place the best day camp in the entire Philadelphia area and an example to all other day camps. Again this summer, your determination to help kids have a fun, carefree summer was absolutely and completely amazing and it’s something we’ll remember and appreciate always.
Have a great off-season and we hope to see you all next year!
Matt & Mike
Senior Staff: Stu Kavitsky
Junior Staff: Maddy Antenucci and John McLaughlin
Halloween Spooktacular- Sunday October 27th, 2025
Winter Reunion: TBD
Spring Open House: TBD
Be a Camper in 2025
We are now enrolling for 2025! (Hard to believe, right?) Click on ENROLL NOW button on our website (or just click here). Lock in our early rates by signing up by September 30, 2024.
Lost and Found
Items in the Lost and Found will be on display in the art room until the end of August.
Picnics and Parties
Briarwood is available for company picnics, school functions, birthday parties, family outings and social events. Call 215-598-7143 for more details.
The dates for the 2025 camp season are
Monday, June 23rd to Friday, August 15th. We will be closed on Friday, July 4th.
The babysitter referral list is now available for camp families only. Please call us at (215) 598-7143 or email us at office@briarwooddaycamp.com for a copy if you are interested.
Check out our daily pictures by clicking on the Current Families tab on our website and then scroll down the menu to Photos. Call the office if you need the password.
The Panthers 2024
By Maddie J.
The Panthers have had so much fun this summer! It is all thanks to our fantastic counselors, Liv and Sydney.
I have been at Briarwood for several years and all my summers have been very memorable. This year is no different. Let’s get started!
Emma and Avery have been making amazing projects in art, while Emily is enjoying being creative in ceramics. Georgie and I won the Upper Girls tennis tournament and Brielle tried the leap of faith at ropes! Stella N. and Shayla had a blast at 7th grade fun. Hannah, Minna and Stella U. have been scoring lots of goals in indoor soccer and hockey. Charley helped in the gymnastics show and has had fun racing Carter with the butterfly stroke in swim. Payge perfected her front handspring on the jumper and Clara’s been nailing it in archery. Sara and McKayla have been great at beach volleyball. Raelynn has participated in all camp activities, even with a sprained ankle. This shows that Briarwood campers persevere through challenges.
Last, but not least, Liv and Sydney have been the best counselors ever. Thank you for everything you do!
Have a great idea?
Call us! Email us! Fax us! Smoke signal us! We love great ideas!
♫ Learn the Briarwood Song! ♫ http://bit.ly/BDCSong We’ll sing it at camp! New video coming soon!