Check out our latest Briarwood Bugle! You can read it below or click here for the pdf.
The Briarwood Bugle – Spring 2017
“Printed whenever we get around to it.”
Dear Briarwood Family,
It has been a l-o-o-o-ong winter but camp starts soon and we are very excited! We have been very busy — indoor hockey is almost finished, the gym and art room have a new roof, we’ve got other cool stuff coming (Busy Bee big wheels!) and there is so much, much more! And don’t worry, this summer will have all of the old favorites planned plus some surprises as well. Join us for all the fun and the friends!
Please come see us at our Open House on Saturday, May 13 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. It’ll be a great time to see the camp, take a tour, make new friends and maybe catch up with old ones. Drop in for a hot dog, some bug juice and good times!
Important Camp Information
• Camp Address
1380 Creek Road
Furlong, PA 18925
• Phone Number
• Fax Number
• E-mail Address
• Website
As you know, our registration and health forms are on line. So that we can best prepare for the summer, please fill out completed health forms by May 31, 2017 (or sooner!). Please don’t forget to identify any physical, mental or emotional issue that will ease your child’s transition to camp. We use these forms to stay informed and to work to provide each child with the best camp experience we can.
Here’s how to fill out the health forms: go to our home page at www.briarwooddaycamp.com. Click on Current Families. When you get to that page, click on Forms. Log in with your user id and password (if you can’t remember or it doesn’t work, give us a call).
Please let us know if you have problems logging in. We’re here to help!
May 13 – Open House
May 25 – Busy Bee Play Date
June 22 – Picture Day
June 27 – Crazy Hat Day
July 3 and 5 – Briarwood Olympics
July 4 – Camp is closed
July 11 -Lower Camp Bunk Shows
July 12 – Upper Camp Bunk Shows
July 14 – Halloween in July
July 17 – Waterpalooza!
July 18 – Lower Camp Bring A Friend Day
July 19 – Upper Camp Bring A Friend Day
July 21 – Goofy Day
July 25 – Busy Bee Show and Breakfast
July 27 – Carnival
August 1 – Mystery Day
August 4-6 – Briarwood Overnighter
August 7 – Briarwood’s Birthday Celebration
August 8 – Drama Show
August 10 – CIT Dance
August 11 – LAST DAY OF CAMP
Busy Bee Play Date – Thursday, May 25 – 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm
For our campers entering 3YO preschool, pre-K and K.
Fun! Friends! Yummy snack!
1. What to Bring to Camp? Campers and parents are always concerned about what they will need at camp. In general, the philosophy of “less is more” applies when packing your bag for the day.
The following is a list of items that will help your child have a safe and enjoyable summer: TWO BATHING SUITS, a TOWEL, HAT, SUNSCREEN and a SMALL BACKPACK or DUFFLE BAG (Briarwood bags are always great!)
The following items should be left at camp for the summer: Change of clothes in case of rain during the day, rain gear, old sneakers and a sweatshirt for those cool days.
We discourage the wearing of Crocs, flip flops and sandals because they have limited support and may cause injuries. We ask that our campers wear socks and sneakers to camp every day and that they wear them for all activities.
You may wish to send water bottles and you are, of course, free to do so. However, please know that Briarwood has many water stations throughout the camp. Also, Briarwood will supply all the sports equipment needed for camp activities but some prefer to bring their own softball glove or tennis racket. Remember, the more your child brings to camp, the more your child is capable of losing. We cannot be responsible for items lost, stolen or damaged at camp. Accordingly, please clearly label everything with your child’s name and bunk. Use a waterproof marker.
The following items are NOT permitted in camp, please leave them at home—they dilute the Briarwood experience: Cell Phones • CD Players • Portable Radios • Electronic Games • iPods • iPads • MP3 Players
2. How Do You Coordinate Transportation? We try our best. As you can imagine, it is quite a logistical undertaking to plan transportation for so many children.
First and foremost, when it comes to transportation, we want to get our campers to Briarwood safely and in a timely manner. Depending on where they live, our campers are assigned to either a van or a staff driver.
We always try to accommodate the transportation needs of all of our families. While we will consider all transportation requests, we cannot guarantee specific pickup or drop off times or accommodate transportation placement based on friendships or other social groupings. We also cannot guarantee which camp driver will pick up your child.
If you find that you have a need for extended care, Briarwood continues to offer excellent before and after care programs at camp.
We will contact each family regarding their child’s travel arrangements. We want everyone to have the best Briarwood experience possible. Please feel free to contact us at the office if you have any questions.
3. When Will I Hear From Camp Regarding My Child’s Bunk and Transportation? We don’t make our campers’ bunk assignments and transportation arrangements until June. You will receive a call from your child’s counselor as well as your child’s driver no later than June 12. Of course, you can always feel free to call us at the office if you have questions or if you need anything further.
Want to know the latest and the greatest? We try to stay in touch with our camp families in many ways. We send home Bugles with our campers every week. You can also check out our website or follow us on social media. Or call! Or visit! Whatever!
Referrals from camp families are the best compliments we can get!
Join us on Facebook! Follow us on Instagram! Or just dig us the old fashioned way!
Our goal: every day, we want each camper to go home happy, healthy, sweaty, tired and rarin’ for more!