Meet Ashley Levy! Ashley is getting ready to join us for her 13th summer at Briarwood Day Camp. Ashley was a camper at Briarwood for several years and has worked as a Briarwood counselor since 2015. Ashley has been counselor for 3rd grade girls, 7th grade girls and this summer will be working with our CIT program (8th and 9th graders).
A 4th grade teacher at Maureen M. Welch Elementary School in the off season, Ashley is also the varsity cheerleading coach at Council Rock North High School.
We asked Ashley some questions:
Q. What’s your favorite thing about camp?
A. My favorite thing about Briarwood is watching my campers grow up from year to year and seeing them around camp even when they’re not in my bunk anymore.
Q. What’s your favorite camp food?
A. Definitely the popcorn chicken – I usually have to stop myself from eating an entire tray on my own!
Q. What are your favorite camp activities?
A. The camp activities that I enjoy most are art and center court basketball. In art, the activities are always unique and it’s a nice break from the sun twice a week. Center court basketball is awesome because it feels like a stadium! Last summer, my junior counselor Sofia and I became expert referees during the 7th grade basketball games each week.
Q. If a book were to be written about your life, what would it be called?
A. That’s easy. “Short But Loud: A Memoir.”
Q. If you were an animal, what would you be?
A. I think I would be a hamster because I have a lot of energy at random times but can also fall asleep in the blink of an eye.
Q. What’s something strange that people don’t know about you?
A. Most people don’t know that I can lick my left elbow but I cannot lick my right elbow.
Q. Anything else that the world should know?
A. The world should know I’m ready for summer 2023!