I never realized how large of an impact going to summer camp would have on my life. I went to Briarwood for 10 years and have made friendships that will last a lifetime. The girls from my bunk are some of my best friends in the world. Going to camp allowed me to make unforgettable memories and gave me friends that I will have for life. ~Maddie Garber
There are so many reasons parents register their children for summer camp. Maybe they both have to work and they have no family in the area to help. It could be that all their children’s friends go to camp and the children beg to go. Perhaps the parents were campers themselves and understand all the benefits of going to camp for the summer.
Thirty-nine days at camp. That’s it – but what happens in those thirty-nine days is a transformative experience. Relationships develop that last a lifetime.
During the summer campers can disconnect from their school friends (if they’d like) and “try on” different versions of themselves – and at times having a break from the drama of the school year is very welcomed.
As campers progress through the years, friendships grow stronger and kids keep in touch more regularly throughout the school year. Camp friends support each other through the highs and lows. Friendships forged at camp can be a source of strength and joy beyond the summer months.
Many Briarwood campers return to camp to work as counselors after they age out as campers. Camp friends attend each other’s prom pictures and graduation parties. Some may be lucky enough to attend the same college, vacation together or go on an overseas trip together. In fact, some camp friendships may last 40 plus years where you end up owning and operating your own camp!
Our staff regularly says “Camp friends are the best friends.” Our campers say it as well. And as a mom, a former bunk counselor and now a camp administrator, I’ll say it too! #campfriendsarethebestfriends