Preschoolers are energetic sponges! Summer camp is the perfect place for kids 3-5 to learn, grow, explore and more.
At Briarwood Day Camp, our preschoolers (we call them Busy Bees) laugh and have fun AND we work towards important developmental milestones. We love that our campers get to learn while having fun and they get to have fun while they learn.
How do we do it? We’ll continue to explain in our third of this four part series.
Part I – Group Games & Team Fun and Creative Arts & Crafts
Part II – Outdoor Adventure & Play and Cognitive Development & Critical Thinking
Part III – Music & Movement and Physical Development & Coordination
Part IV – Creativity & Imagination and Reflection, Rest & Relaxation Time
Singing, dancing, and moving to music are universal sources of joy for young children. At Briarwood, kids engage in musical activities during drama, gymnastics, and don’t forget our crowd pleasing bunk shows!
• Encourage Movement: Music gets kids up and moving, helping them burn energy while enjoying rhythm and melody. Dancing, clapping and jumping to songs are all exciting and fun ways that campers express themselves physically.
• Introduce New Songs and Rhythms: Busy Bee counselors often introduce new songs, rhymes, and chants throughout the summer, adding variety and excitement to daily activities. These fun songs not only help with language development, memory, and coordination but they also act as transitional cues and group management.
Briarwood is a great place for your preschooler to get moving and grow! Whether it’s running around outside or participating in arts and crafts, these activities promote physical growth of all kinds (and tires them out!).
• Gross Motor Skills: Outdoor play, sports, gymnastics, obstacle courses and even games as simple as tag promote large muscle development. Our campers run, jump, and climb – all of which helps improve their balance, strength and overall coordination.
• Fine Motor Skills: Arts and crafts projects such as painting, cutting with child-safe scissors and building with blocks encourage children to develop hand-eye coordination and dexterity.
• Healthy Habits: With plenty of physical activity and opportunities to eat healthy snacks (our fresh fruit at lunchtime is a huge hit!) Briarwood encourages good habits and an active lifestyle that benefits children’s overall health and well-being.
At Briarwood, our Busy Bee Program for 3-5 year olds is a blend of adventure, creativity, growth teamwork and carefree fun. Our campers experience a sense of happiness, belonging and excitement that they’ll carry with them long after the camp session ends. From sports to swimming to arts and crafts, from nature to drama to outdoor adventures, camp is the ultimate place for little ones to make friends, play, grow and have a blast!
Want to learn more about Briarwood Day Camp and how camp will be great for your camper(s) and for you? Reach out to us at (215) 598-7143 or office@briarwooddaycamp.com.