Preschoolers are the best! They grow so quickly! Summer camp is the perfect place for kids 3-5 to smile, laugh, grow, learn, explore and more.
At Briarwood Day Camp, our preschoolers (we call them Busy Bees) laugh and have fun AND we work towards important developmental milestones. One of the keys to our Busy Bee program is this: our campers are learning while having fun and they are having fun while they learn. And what’s better than that?
How do we do it? We’ll continue to explain in the last of this four part series.
Part I – Group Games & Team Fun and Creative Arts & Crafts
Part II – Outdoor Adventure & Play and Cognitive Development & Critical Thinking
Part III – Music & Movement and Physical Development & Coordination
Part IV – Creativity & Imagination and Reflection, Rest & Relaxation Time
A Busy Bee’s day is full of activities such as arts and crafts, drama, and science/nature which fosters creative thinking in children, this is vital at this age.
• Express Themselves: Through various forms of art (painting, clay modeling, drama etc.), children learn to express their emotions and ideas. This builds confidence in their ability to communicate their thoughts creatively and effectively.
• Expand Their Imaginations: In our Busy Bee Program, children are encouraged to engage in imaginative play, where they can pretend to be anything they want to be. This helps them develop cognitive flexibility, creativity and the ability to think outside the box.
While our Busy Bees’ day is full of energy and fun, there are also quiet moments for reflection and recharging. Young children need time to take a breath, and Briarwood’s amazing counselors ensure children are provided:
• Calming Breaks: After a busy period of activity, kids often participate in calming activities like story time or singing songs under a tree. These moments of downtime help children relax and recover.
• Socialization & Friendships: During downtime, kids bond with their camp friends, sharing stories, playing quietly together or simply enjoying each other’s company. Friendships formed during camp can be some of the most meaningful experiences of their early childhood. We like to say “Camp friends are the best friends.”
At Briarwood, our Busy Bee Program for 3-5 year olds is a blend of adventure, creativity, growth teamwork and carefree fun. Our campers experience a sense of happiness, belonging and excitement that they’ll carry with them long after the camp session ends. From sports to swimming to arts and crafts, from nature to drama to outdoor adventures, camp is the ultimate place for little ones to make friends, play, grow and have a blast!
Want to read even more about what we have to say about how camp is great for kids in general and preschoolers in particular? Click here or here or here or check out the News page on our website!
Want to learn more about Briarwood Day Camp and how camp will be great for your camper(s) and for you? Reach out to us at (215) 598-7143 or office@briarwooddaycamp.com.