For many kids – and their parents – Arts & Crafts goes with camp like peanut butter goes with jelly. Campers LOVE the imaginative, relaxed, fun projects they get to make while hanging out with their friends in the summer. Some prospective families, though, worry that their child is not artistic or believe that their child does not like Arts & Crafts or think that he or she should really focus more on playing sports or climbing the rock wall or learning to swim the butterfly.
Here’s the thing: Arts & Crafts and the creative arts at camp are good for EVERYBODY. Here’s why.
Good summer camps care most about whether your child grows – physically, socially, intellectually and creatively. Arts & Crafts is a great place for your child to learn a new technique in a low-pressure environment and let his or her imagination run wild. At Briarwood Day Camp, our campers expand their experience in an age-appropriate way – they may draw, paint, cut, paste, modge podge, mold, decorate, weave, glaze or do so many other different things through our Arts & Crafts, Ceramics and Nature programs that expand their imagination and broaden their ideas about what they can do. Kids who love creative arts may find a new passion. Kids who are less arts-inclined might find a medium that they realize they enjoy.
Arts & Crafts help children of all ages improve their coordination and fine motor skills. Guided by our warm, supportive counselors, our campers develop these abilities without even realizing that this is a goal.
Some children easily sit still. Some do not. But all campers learn an improved level of calmness, stillness and relaxation when they are focused on a fun art project – whether it is drawing with charcoal, molding a clay pot or painting a stump. Kids learn to calm themselves, relax and sit still so they can finish a project they enjoy.
Campers benefit by looking around and by seeing from their counselors and their bunkmates what is possible and how much more is possible. In a warm, supportive, nurturing environment, children learn to look around and think about what else they can do. Our campers take their projects home from camp when they are complete. Armed with oohs and aahs from their counselors and then again at home, campers take that positive feedback with them and look for new ways to develop and “show off” their creativity in all facets of their lives. And we think that’s great. Happy, growing kids is what we’re all about.
Want to learn more about Briarwood Day Camp and our Creative Arts programs? Reach out to us at (215) 598-7143 or office@briarwooddaycamp.com. Or check out all of the things that Briarwood has to offer at https://www.briarwooddaycamp.com.