Kids spend too much time on screens! (Adults do, too!) That’s why we don’t “do” electronics at Briarwood Day Camp. Life is better and more fun unplugged!
At Briarwood, we focus on helping campers have fun while learning to connect with each other. We’ve written about this issue before (see here and here and Bucks County Parent wrote about it here) but let’s talk some more why unplugging your child will pay so many dividends for your child and for you.
Briarwood is full of fun activities for kids. Sports! Art! Swimming! Adventure Course! Gaga! More! In the 2020s, too many children retreat into screens. When those screens aren’t there, new exciting worlds open up! At Briarwood, kids experience and enjoy new, fun things!
“Let’s go play gaga!” “Will you help me tie dye?” “Let’s take soccer as our elective.”
We’re proud to say that campers love our activities. And when they love our activities, they get excited. And they find friends who are also excited. And since no one is buried in their phones, our campers can talk and plan and scheme and get excited TOGETHER. They build lasting friendships. And they can even learn to resolve conflicts when they disagree (our staff – comprised overwhelmingly of teachers, moms and former campers – are great with helping kids learn camp conflict resolution). That’s part of growing up, too.
Briarwood takes pride in its 50+ outdoor, unplugged activities. Our campers run, swim, laugh and play every day. And they come home tired. And that’s how we like it. And that’s how parents like it. And that’s how kids like it too!
Want to learn more about the gift of an unplugged summer? Reach out to us at (215) 598-7143 or office@briarwooddaycamp.com.